Flash Fiction & Flash Memoir 2025

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You may submit up to four flash fictions or up to 7 micro-fictions at a time.

Flash Fiction and Flash Memoir: Each story should be no more than 1,000 words

Micro-fiction/memoir: Each piece should be between 100 and 400 words

All stories will be considered for publication at FictionAttic.substack.com and for inclusion in a future print anthology.


$15 per accepted flash fiction or flash memoir

$15 per accepted group of 3 micro-fictions or $10 for a single micro fiction

Rights*: You grant Fiction Attic Press the right to publish your story online at fictionattic.com and fictionattic.substack,com, and to publish an audio version of your story on Substack. After your story is published in Fiction Attic, you retain the rights to publish your story anywhere you like after three months. We only ask that you acknowledge Fiction Attic as the first publisher of the work. 

Simultaneous submissions are totally fine. Please just withdraw your submission and let us know it is accepted elsewhere. We'll be happy for you!

On rare occasions we do accept published stories, as long as you own the rights; please let us know in your cover letter if the story was previously published. 

We are happy to link to your website or social media profile in order to help you further engage with your readers.

Fee: Submit one to two flash fictions ($3) or submit up to 4 flash fictions ($5)*

Our submission fees enable us to pay writers. With your submission, you receive a complimentary one-month paid subscription to Fiction Attic.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.