Fiction Attic Press accepts submissions of flash fiction, flash memoir, micro fiction, personal essays, and sketchbook stories. We publish one novella-in-flash per year.

If we accept your work, we will publish it on our substack site, Some stories will also be published on our legacy site,

Your submission may also be considered for publication in a print anthology. Please see below for submission categories and be sure to use the appropriate submission form. We look forward to reading your work.

We accept simultaneous submissions. If your work is accepted elsewhere while you're waiting to hear from us, just let us know. We'll be happy for you!

Payment: We pay $15 for flash fiction, $10 for a set of micro-fictions, $20 for short stories and essays over 1,500 words, $20 for sketchbook stories, $25 for craft essays, and $75 for novellas-in-flash.

We charge small submission fees to help us pay for Submittable and to pay every writer we publish. Your submission entitles you to a complimentary one-month paid subscription to Fiction Attic.  (To get your complimentary paid subscription, please opt in by checking the appropriate box in your submission form).


Non-Exclusive Online and Audio Rights: We require exclusive electronic rights to the work for 3 months and non-exclusive rights indefinitely so that we can include your work in our online archives. We publish your work simultaneously at and We may also publish audio of your story (read and produced by Fiction Attic Press) on our substack site.

Print Rights: We require non-exclusive print rights, so that we can publish the work later in our anthologies. 

All other rights remain yours. You can publish the same work online, in print, or in any other way you choose. We only ask that you wait until three months after the initial publication to publish it elsewhere.

*For novellas-in-flash, please see separate rights guidelines on the submission page.


Ends on This opportunity will close after 95 submissions have been received.

You may submit up to four flash fictions or up to 7 micro-fictions at a time.

Flash Fiction and Flash Memoir: Each story should be no more than 1,000 words

Micro-fiction/memoir: Each piece should be between 100 and 400 words

All stories will be considered for publication at and for inclusion in a future print anthology.


$15 per accepted flash fiction or flash memoir

$15 per accepted group of 3 micro-fictions or $10 for a single micro fiction

Rights*: You grant Fiction Attic Press the right to publish your story online at and fictionattic.substack,com, and to publish an audio version of your story on Substack. After your story is published in Fiction Attic, you retain the rights to publish your story anywhere you like after three months. We only ask that you acknowledge Fiction Attic as the first publisher of the work. 

Simultaneous submissions are totally fine. Please just withdraw your submission and let us know it is accepted elsewhere. We'll be happy for you!

On rare occasions we do accept published stories, as long as you own the rights; please let us know in your cover letter if the story was previously published. 

We are happy to link to your website or social media profile in order to help you further engage with your readers.

Fee: Submit one to two flash fictions ($3) or submit up to 4 flash fictions ($5)*

Our submission fees enable us to pay writers. With your submission, you receive a complimentary one-month paid subscription to Fiction Attic.

Ends on This opportunity will close after 100 submissions have been received.

Calling Canadian writers! We seek flash fiction and flash memoir from writers who were born in Canada or who currently live in Canada.

Length: Each story should be between 400 and 1,000 words.

Accepted submissions will be published at


$15 per accepted flash fiction or flash memoir

Notification: Although we try to notify submitters within 6 months, we are a very small publication and may take much longer. You are always free to submit your story elsewhere while you wait to hear from us.

Rights*: You grant Fiction Attic Press the right to publish your story online at and fictionattic.substack,com, and to publish an audio version of your story on Substack. After your story is published in Fiction Attic, you retain the rights to publish your story anywhere you like after three months. We only ask that you acknowledge Fiction Attic as the first publisher of the work. 

Simultaneous submissions are totally fine. Please just withdraw your submission and let us know it is accepted elsewhere. We'll be happy for you!

On rare occasions we do accept published stories, as long as you own the rights; please let us know in your cover letter if the story was previously published. 

We are happy to link to your website or social media profile in order to help you further engage with your readers.

Fee: Submit one to two flash fictions ($3) or submit up to 4 flash fictions ($5)*

Our submission fees enable us to pay writers. With your submission, you receive a complimentary one-month paid subscription to Fiction Attic.



This opportunity will close after 26 submissions have been received.

Fiction Attic Press seeks craft essays and personal essays on the writing life for our On Writing series.
Essays should be 1,200-3,000 words. We are seeking in-depth essays that illuminate some aspect of narrative craft, the daily life of a writer, or writing as a longtime career. 

 Payment is $25.

Submit a series of sketches consisting of three to seven individual sketches. The series should tell a story. We enjoy sketches that include a small amount of text, but you should interpret "sketchbook series" however you see fit.

Short Story

Submit one short story of 1500 to 3500 words. Stories are considered for online publication online on our website,, and on our Substack.

Is your story 1,000 words or fewer? Use our FLASH FICTION submission form instead.

Payment: We pay $20 per published short story.

Accepted stories may also appear in future print anthologies.

We seek to help authors reach new audiences. After publication, you retain the rights to publish your story in other journals or in your own book. 

Simultaneous submissions are fine. Just let us know if your story is accepted elsewhere.

Use this form ONLY if we have written to you requesting that you send more of your work. Any submissions through this form that have not been solicited will be automatically deleted.

Please submit up to three pieces of original artwork or photograph at a time.